How to Request Accommodations
- Go to
- On the right side of menu, click “SdRC Online Portal.”
- Click left blue button titled “Sign In” for Registered Student with Disabilities.
- Read relevant agreement forms and sign name at the bottom. You will need to click one of the grey boxes in the middle of the screen.
- Under “Step 1: Select Class(es),” please check off the classes you’d like to receive accommodations. Then, click “Step 2- Continue to Customize Your Accommodations” button.
- Select the approved accommodation(s) you want for each class. And then click “Submit Your Accommodation Requests” button.
*NOTE: If you see that some class accommodations are not listed or available, please contact the office or an SdRC advisor.
- Upon successful submission of your requests, the next page will state “System Update is Successful.”